Well, I guess you can say I'm back, but obviously not back to my photo a day project. I've been away for quite a while! It's been an....eventful few months, to put it mildly. So rather than say I'm continuing my project 365, I'll say this will now be a place to post some photos on a "semi regular" basis and get back to enjoying my photography. So how better to begin anew, then a reminder to stop and smell the flowers! We don't know what life has in store for us---I have certainly been reminded of THAT recently! This is a quick shot of our Lucy from this evening on our deck, with the point and shoot Canon. (Man, I can never get that thing to focus where I want it to!) But isn't she a sweetheart?
Catching up--AGAIN
Catching up seems to be the norm for me lately with the blog. Life has caught up with some of my fellow 365 bloggers as well, but we keep trying. This is my birthday weekend, so my sweet husband surprised me with a rose in a box on the car seat as we were leaving for dinner. I shot it in our kitchen-- The balloons in the mirror are conveniently still up from my daughter's birthday at the end of January!
Here's yet another one of our kitty, Lucy. My husband insists that she chose a birthday present for me, but I won't get it until tomorrow.
This one is actually from last weekend, because I am short this week. This was taken with my point and shoot at the hotel. Daughter and I love looking over the railing WAAAY down there. Staying at a hotel is the upside of going out of town for a doctor visit.
Another point and shoot hotel shot.... "Keep walking on that treadmill lady!" It looks like that's what he's saying, doesn't it? (Daughter is adjusting the volume for me.)
Friday and Saturday
This my husband at the end of a long day on Friday. The dying plant doesn't enhance the picture too much! (Just ignore the pitiful thing.) Plus, my husband thinks he looks "scary" here. (I don't.)
My daughter and I headed out this weekend for a little road trip. She sees a specialist about 4 hours from where we live. We just go about 3 times a year, and we try to make it fun. We stopped at a Taco Bell out in the middle of I'm not sure where. (The Taco Bells around us do not look this good---We've noticed that the rural fast food restaurants always look nicer--why is that?!) I took this one with my little point and shoot, because I didn't bring the "good camera."
Here's another with the point and shoot, this time at the hotel. We always manage to spend some time in the fitness room (and she lasts longer than I do!)
Other 365 Blogs
1-4-098 years ago
Just a swangin’….13 years ago
14/365 Pleasure15 years ago
Update...15 years ago
New Photo Book15 years ago
01-02-0916 years ago