
We babysat for my niece and nephew, which is always very fun. They can both be hilarious. I got my camera out while my nephew was eating, and he said, "Do you want me to make an ornery face?" I said, "Sure," and this was the face he made. (I actually think it's a pretty sweet face.)

7 thoughts on “Babysitting

Anonymous said...

What a cute little buggar! Love his big eyes.

Dana said...

Pretty cute, I say. Looks like one of the faces I get from my son when he doesn't want me to take his pic.

Jane said...

A totally adorable little face!

Anonymous said...

oh how sweet. Love those eyes.

Andrea said...

LOL! I love it!

Siamese1966 said...

What a clown - but he is my clown - MOM

Jo-Anne Price said...

What a cutie!

Camera Info

Most of these have been shot with a Nikon D200. I have two lenses--the 18-135mm kit lens and a 50mm 1.8. I also occasionally use a Canon Powershot A540 point and shoot. (And a few of them are camera phone pictures!)
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